Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a lung disease that makes breathing very difficult. People with COPD can have one of the two main chronic and progressive lung diseases, which includes chronic bronchitis or emphysema which is damage to the lungs over a long period of time. Many people with the disease can have a combination of both forms. The most common cause for this disorder is smoking, although there are cases of non smokers with COPD who may have been exposed to prolonged second hand smoke. 

Treatment includes pulmonary rehabilitation, and eating healthy foods:

1. Try a COPD diet

A good COPD diet would include foods rich in high protein like pasteurized poultry, grain fed meat, and eggs. Eating foods that have reduced carbohydrates can lower the production of carbon dioxide which can help people with COPD manage their health better.

2. Fatty fish

Fatty fish is a great source of omega 3 fatty acids that are beneficial to various diseases and disorders. These fish include salmon, herring, trout, mackerel, tuna, and sardines. Fish is a healthy food that can be eaten at least three times per week to help improve COPD symptoms.

3. Complex carbs

Complex carbohydrates in the diet are foods that are high in fiber, and should be incorporated into the diet. These foods include peas, bran, beans, potatoes, lentils, oats, and barley. Eating a variety of foods that are healthy are natural remedies for COPD.

4. Dark leafy greens

Green leafy vegetables and fresh fruits contain vitamins, fiber, and minerals that the body needs for proper functionality. These healthy foods are low in carbohydrates, so they can be included in any diet. Vegetables such as spinach, kale, broccoli, and chard will help improve COPD symptoms, and benefit the digestive system.

5. Potassium-rich foods

Foods rich in potassium are vital to the proper function of the lungs. Having a potassium deficiency will cause breathing problems. Foods with high levels of potassium include avocados, dark leafy greens, asparagus, tomatoes, beets, bananas, and oranges. These are foods that appeal to the majority of people, and will make a healthy diet enjoyable.

6. Heart-healthy fats

Eating foods with healthy fats instead of oily fried foods is better for the overall health of any person. With COPD, it is a wise choice to choose healthy fats that are found in avocados, nuts, coconuts and coconut oil, fatty fish, olive oil, and cheese. Better overall nutrition will be provided by these foods which will greatly improve COPD symptoms.

7. Quit smoking 

Making healthy lifestyle changes can improve many health issues as well as COPD. The best advice for those who have been long term smokers is to quit smoking. This is also good advice for someone who does not have COPD. It will be a preventative against the disease to quit early to avoid the debilitating disorder. Avoid unhealthy snacking. Remove sugary treats, foods with artificial preservatives and coloring, and artificial sweetner, from the diet. Being diagnosed with COPD does not mean the end to being healthy and eating right. This will help lessen other complications that may arise.