Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic condition that is the most common autoimmune disease worldwide. As of now, causes for this condition are largely based on genetics and unknown. It is an inflammatory response that affects lubrication in the joints and tissues. It often is described by stiffness in the joints and ligaments. This chronic condition can then lead toward other complications affecting many other parts of the body.

Lifestyle and diet can play a huge role in prevention and onset as well as lessening the symptoms. Here are few natural snacks to incorporate in your every day to soothe RA flare-ups:

1. Turmeric latte
Tumeric has long been a great plant to use to reduce inflammation and one of the many joint supporting foods. As its use and indications have become more popular in mainstream health regimes, the turmeric latte has become a popular way to incorporate the root and powder on a daily basis. Mixing a teaspoon with 16 ounces of nuts or alternative milk a little honey and a sprinkle of black pepper. Dairy can be inflammatory, so using alternative milk makes for better anti-inflammatory snacks. Different natural flavors such as rose or chai can be added for even more soothing and tasty qualities. Turmeric is best activated with the compounds found in black pepper, and it’s a tasty flavor combination as well. Turmeric is important to consume on a daily basis to receive the inflammatory response you will be looking for.

2. Collard wraps
When most people think wraps they think wheat or flour-based tortillas. Dark leafy greens are a joint supporting food, and a great way to keep the inflammation at bay. Pulling back on wheat which when highly processed can cause inflammation, raw collard greens can be used to wrap food in a fun way. Fresh collards are crispy, flexible and roll up just as easily as a tortilla. You can roll up hummus, pesto, vegetables to create great high energy mid-day snacks. They are most tasty raw, so there is less work for your greens quota. Most people are shocked at the tasty factor of these anti-inflammatory snacks, full of flavor potential. Make sure to buy fresh flat collard greens in your produce section and eat fast for the most nutrient-dense snacking.

3. Walnuts
Nuts and seeds are one of the most efficient snacking options we have. They are easily accessible and can be taken into any situation for emergency snacking. They are full of omega-3 fatty acids which are known to be necessary for reducing inflammation. They are also a great filler ingredient in many everyday food items. You can use walnuts to make pesto (for your collard wraps)or put in sauces and smoothies as a thickening agent. Smoothies are a great snack or meal to ingest multiple joint supporting foods. Walnuts go great with fruit and desserts, so making crusts or dough with walnut flour gets you the benefits of omega-3 fatty acids fighting power.

4. Supporting drug therapies with food
In patients with moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis, doctors will often put patients on prescribed drug therapy (i.e, Remicade, Enberl, or Humira) and recommend patients adopt a healthy diet featuring the above mentioned foods. Where firstline drugs fail, doctors may recommend Xeljanx, Kevzara, or Olumiant, along with a similar arthritis-friendly diet plan in order to relieve symptoms.