Aside from its basic nutritional values, the right food can also help a person recover from a lot of different ailments and act as a medicine. Since allergies are a result of the immune system malfunctioning, there aren’t too many things one can do to prevent them but eliminate the trigger. However, certain foods help combat allergies that can lead to anaphylaxis or anaphylactic shock. Anaphylaxis is a dangerous allergic reaction that causes a shock because your immune system has overreacted to a trigger. This trigger may be a wasp or bee sting, eating foods that cause an allergic reaction like shellfish, nuts, milk, and eggs, and excessive pollen in spring.

Before we talk about the sort of foods you need to eat to help manage an allergy, let’s look at what you should avoid to decrease the inflammation and histamine reaction in the body:

  • Dairy: Dairy can cause a lot of dampness within the body. According to ancient Chinese medicine, dampness is the main reason for mucus buildup and sinus congestion, causing allergies. Milk, cheese, etc, should be avoided altogether if you suffer from severe sinus infections.
  • Alcohol: Alcohol of all kinds, and especially beer, should be kept at bay, especially if prone to allergy. An occasional glass of wine or whiskey is fine, but do avoid beer and regular drinking at all costs. This is because alcohol can cause inflammation which will exacerbate your allergies.
  • Sugars, artificial sweeteners, and processed foods: Sugars and artificial sweeteners cause dampness and candida within your body, leading to inflammation that can trigger anaphylaxis. Processed and packaged foods, microwavable TV dinners, and anything that is not a whole food will not have enough nutrients, vitamins, and enzymes to combat allergies.
  • Caffeine: Coffee tends to cause a strain on your kidneys and adrenal glands. Their function is to filter the bad stuff and toxins from your body and strengthen the immune system. Ingesting too much caffeine slow the kidney down. A little caffeine in the form of green or matcha tea or from other herbal teas is fine, but do avoid regular consumption of coffee to not make your seasonal allergies worse.

Now, let’s get onto what you should be eating to avoid allergies that trigger anaphylaxis.

  • Certain fruits: Bromelain, an enzyme in pineapple, helps to dull histamine reactions and reduce inflammation. Papain, an enzyme in papaya, as well as ficin in figs and actinidin in kiwis all help with strengthening your immune system, thereby avoiding an allergy.
  • Raw and local honey: A little bit of raw, local honey every day can help you build your immune system, which goes into overdrive during the pollen season. The emphasis is on local so that when you do step out, your body is already prepared for the pollen around you and it does not have an adverse reaction on your body.
  • Probiotic foods: Kimchi, sauerkraut and other fermented vegetables, as well as kombucha, are all good for your gut, promoting the growth of good bacteria, which reduces inflammation in the body. This can also reduce food sensitivities caused by a leaky gut. Probiotic supplements are good for allergies too.
  • Hot, spicy foods: Hot peppers like cayenne pepper, which contain capsaicin, have great use for allergies. They open up arterial airways and improve the nasal flow, drain your sinuses and help you breathe better.