Whether it is the allergy season or just an unseasonal cold, this condition can make life difficult due to symptoms like sore throat, persistent cough, and stuffy nose. But there are ways in which you can treat a pesky cold without relying on medicines. You can use these natural remedies to complement your regular medication. You can also use these steps as a preventive measure when you feel the early signs of a cold and cough.

Here are some home remedies to kick a cold or a persistent cough:

Gargling is an excellent way to soothe an irritated or sore throat. Mix half a teaspoon of salt in an 8oz glass of warm water, and use it to gargle thrice a day. You can also mix a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar in the water and gargle with it. Gargling will not just soothe the throat but will also reduce the mucus buildup.

Sniffing eucalyptus oil or applying salve
Take a pinch of a mentholated salve between your fingers and apply it under your nose. This will help to open up the airways and drain the mucus buildup. You can also eucalyptus oil in the same way. Mentholated salves, camphor, and eucalyptus oil help open up the breathing passages, and they also have a numbing sensation that can reduce the pain of a raw nose.

Inhaling steam
Inhaling steam is an excellent way to again open up the airways and make it easier to breathe. Pour boiling hot water into a vessel that does not get hot quickly. Add a few drops of mentholated oil or peppermint oil. Then, take a towel and cover your head with it while bringing your face as close as you can to the vessel. Make sure that the towel covers the sides of the vessel and does not allow any steam to escape. Inhaling steam will help to relax strained muscles and reduce inflammation.

Use an extra pillow
While sleeping, it is helpful to elevate the head as this helps in draining the nasal passage. You can elevate your head by using an extra pillow. If that doesn’t suit you, place the extra pillow below the mattress to create a more gentle slope.

Have hot liquids and broth
Hot liquids like hot water and tea can help ease the inflammation caused by cold and cough. They feel great on an irritated throat and can also reduce the mucus buildup and congestion. Chicken soup is one of the best options to treat common cold and cough. Bone broths are another option which can help as they contain collagen which helps with reducing inflammation and building immunity.

Rest well and keep warm
It is essential to stay warm when you have a cold and cough. So, cozy up with a heavy blanket, drink warm soups, and rest as much as you can, as these steps will help you make a faster recovery.