The flu is a very common respiratory ailment that may or may not be seasonal. The worst part of this viral infection caused by the Influenza A, Influenza B, or Influenza C virus is that it not only makes one suffer but also spreads very fast through coughing, sneezing, or even through simple actions like shaking hands. The flu may also affect an individual in combination with other issues such as diarrhea and GI disorders.

Symptoms of the flu
In most cases, an extreme level of fatigue is one of the earliest signs of flu. Other early symptoms include a cough, having a sore throat, body pain, chills, fever, gastrointestinal changes, tiredness, and such. People may often confuse the flu with the common cold, but the extent of the impact of flu is comparatively higher. There are distinct symptoms that one can notice once flu attacks, which include a headache, feeling tired very easily, fatigue, cold sweats, shivers, high body temperature, pain in the joints and limbs, and such. One must, however, keep in mind that it is not necessary for a patient to exhibit all the symptoms of flu.

Home remedies for treating the flu

  • Water: Drink lots of water and ensure that it is lukewarm when you have seasonal flu. This is especially recommended when you have the flu along with diarrhea or vomiting.
  • Rest: The flu is not one of the ailments that you can treat yourself for by going hard on your body. When you catch the flu, just remember that “rest is the best.” The body certainly needs rest to heal and get better.
  • Steam: Breathing in steam is a home remedy that doctors always recommend to someone who catches the flu. Steam helps in cleansing the nasal passage, which alleviates the symptoms. Steam baths are also a good idea to help manage the symptoms of flu.
  • Stay warm: This is a must that needs to be observed. Stay warm and cozy wrapped in a blanket and take proper rest. The body needs warmth to protect itself against the cold and fever and also to prevent the symptoms from worsening.
  • Gargle: Add a pinch of salt to lukewarm water and use it to gargle at least twice a day. This will help you get rid of the excess mucus, while also providing relief from a sore throat.
  • Compress: Using a compress on your forehead is a great way to get relief from the fever and headaches. A warm cloth on the nose can also provide relief from sinus pain.
  • Drink hot liquids: Drinking hot liquids helps one recover faster from the flu. Herbal tea mixed with honey has a soothing effect on a sore throat. Also, soups and warm water are good for a sore throat and cold.

A mild case of flu can be treated quite well at home; all that one needs is to know the right things to do.