Calcium deficiency does not occur overnight and builds up over a period of time. Calcium is one of the most important compounds that make our body strong, especially the bones, and ensure normal functioning of the cells, which further control the muscles and the functioning of the nerves. In addition, calcium is critical for the regulation of the body’s acid and alkaline balance. While there are many ways to deal with calcium deficiency with medication, there are effective home remedies that can improve calcium production in the body. You need to keep in mind that, as the deficiency does not occur overnight, the calcium levels will take take to be brought back to the normal levels as well.

Here are some home remedies that can help you prevent or manage calcium deficiency:

  • Get an early morning sunbath. The very essence of a sunbath in the morning is to help and regulate the production of Vitamin D in the body. This is the vitamin that is crucial for calcium absorption and the regulation of calcium in the blood to maintain adequate levels. All you need is about 15 minutes in the early morning sun to get your system to produce calcium. A healthy outdoor weekend activity will also help one to gain enough calcium in the body. Gardening or just a trek should help you soak enough vitamin D in the system.
  • Add in calcium-rich foods to be part of your diet. One of the most effective ways to ensure that sufficient calcium levels are maintained in the body is to eat calcium-rich food. All you need to do to beat calcium deficiency is to add in a lot of dairy products in the likes of milk, cottage cheese, yogurt cheese, and such. You can also add in food sources like oranges, cereals, soybeans, and all forms of soy products. Add in more greens like spinach and kale, as they are major sources of calcium. If you are lactose intolerant, you can always eat other vegetables and fruits that supply the same levels of calcium.
  • Add in magnesium-rich foods to the diet. Just like vitamin D, magnesium is also a component that is crucial for calcium absorption in the body. There is a major difference between calcium absorption in the intestine and excretion at the renal function. Some sources of magnesium-rich food are greens, sea vegetables, cucumbers, and broccoli.
  • Cut down the sodium intake. Salt gets in the way of calcium absorption in the body, which means excessive salt intake leads to calcium deficiency. The cutting down of salt will stop the depletion of calcium.
  • Avoid sodas and soft drinks. These products can also impact calcium absorption in the body because these drinks tend to increase the phosphate levels in the body. When you cut down their intake, you can help the body to normalize on calcium and other essential nutrients by adding in the right foods to your diet.