Millions of adults in America snore when they sleep. This happens when air flows through the throat when a person breathes during sleep causing the relaxed tissues in the throat to vibrate. This vibration causes the irritating snoring sound. Snoring can be bothersome, and it should not be ignored. It can be a sign of other health conditions including sleep deprivation, and obstructive sleep apnea, which is the blockage of the airways. 

There are some natural treatments to stop snoring for better sleep:

1. Lose some weight

Obese people can often have excess tissue in the throat. Losing weight can help reduce the amount of this tissue. People lose weight by reducing their caloric intake, and by eating healthier foods.

2. Change sleep position

Sleeping on the side may help keep the tongue from moving to the back of the throat which and block the air flow which usually happens when a person sleeps on their back. This may be what is needed to stop or reduce snoring by allowing air to flow easier.

3. Use an external nasal dilator or nasal strips

Nasal strips can be placed on the nose to help increase spaces in the nasal passage. This can effectively enhance breathing, and eliminate or reduce snoring. A nasal dilator is an adhesive strip that is a little stiffer, and is also applied across the nostrils to help decrease the airflow resistance, and make breathing easier.

4. Stop smoking and avoid alcohol

Alcohol should not be consumed for at least two hours before bedtime. It can relax the throat muscles, and this can cause snoring. Smoking is unhealthy, and can worsen snoring. Speak with a doctor about therapies to help quit the habit.

5. Use oral devices

A dental mouthpiece called an oral device will help keep the air passages open and clear in order to allow easier breathing, and prevent snoring. Talk to a dentist about this device.

6. CPAP treatments for sleep apnea

A CPAP machine, or Continuous Positive Airway Pressure, is recommended for people who have been diagnosed with sleep apnea. This involves wearing an air mask that is pressurized over the nose while sleeping to keep the airway open. The person usually under goes a sleep test to determine if this machine will be appropriate. A large number of patients who suffer from sleep apnea and constant snoring use the machines for more successful, and restful sleep.

There are more ways to help reduce or prevent snoring that can help most people while they sleep. It is wise to avoid taking sedatives at bedtime in order to help ease snoring. Sometimes an injury to the nose can lead to a deviated septum. Many people may be born with this problem. Correcting this structural problem will help reduce snoring that can be caused by the restriction of air flow. Having common allergies can restrict the amount of airflow through the nose, and cause people to breathe through their mouth and increase the likelihood of snoring. If you have difficulty believing that you snore, just ask a mate or anyone else in the house. Snoring can often be heard beyond the bedroom. Check with a doctor about treatment options so that you can breathe easier during sleep.