Fibromyalgia is a disorder that causes intense musculoskeletal pain as well as fatigue, mood swings, loss of memory, and problems sleeping. Researchers believe pain sensations are heightened by this disorder because it affects the way the brain processes pain signals. Fibromyalgia may be caused by genetics, infections, physical or emotional trauma. Some risk factors include gender, family history, and other disorders. If a relative has this disorder you will be more likely to develop it.

In addition, fibromyalgia tends to be more common in women and if you have disorders such as rheumatoid arthritis, you will be more likely to develop this disorder too. However, several natural treatments (in combination with doctor-prescribed medications and therapies) may help relieve symptoms:

1. Exercise
If you suffer from this disorder it may be difficult to exercise but if you build yourself up gradually, you will receive a lot of benefits. As you build your muscles over time from working out, your pain and discomfort will decrease. Aerobic exercises such as swimming, cycling, and walking improve the quality of life for people suffering from this order. It can also reduce pain, stiffness, and fatigue. Yoga is a slow exercise that involves meditation and deep breathing and can help manage fibromyalgia.

2. Diet and supplements
It is important to eat a balanced and healthy diet and to limit your intake of caffeine. A fibromyalgia diet includes foods that are high in fiber and lean protein.

You should consume fruits with a low glycemic index as well as whole grains and vegetables. This can help reduce stress, improve moods, as well as taking supplements including magnesium, soy, creatine, and vitamin D.

3. Reducing stress
Stress reduction is an important part of treating your fibromyalgia because people with this disorder reported that stress worsens their symptoms. Psychological distress has been linked to fibromyalgia and ways to reduce stress include keeping in contact with friends and family, joining a support group for people who suffer from this disorder and exercising.

4. Therapy
Therapy such as acupuncture is believed to change chemical levels and blood flow which can relieve the pain and discomfort caused by this disorder. More research is needed to prove this, but people have reported feeling less pain after getting acupuncture while suffering from fibromyalgia. Getting a massage is a great way to relieve pain, reduce stress and promote relaxation. After getting a massage, people with fibromyalgia reported reduced depression, anxiety, and pain after 5 or more weeks of massages. Flotation therapy is when you are placed in a sensory deprivation tank and it is said to soothe stress and anxiety. A small study consisting of 81 participants suffering from fibromyalgia from 5 different countries was conducted. The participants reported reduced pain, anxiety, sadness, and muscle tension. They also felt an increase in energy, quality of sleep, relaxation, feelings of well-being and ease of movement.