The gallbladder is a very sensitive organ in the body. A diet full of nutrients helps to keep it functioning well. As a person ages, the efficiency in the functioning of the gallbladder also reduces, and hence it is essential to be on a healthy diet as you age, so that the gallbladder remains in great condition. Some foods that help keep the gallbladder healthy are:

  • Citrus fruits
  • Leafy greens
  • Tomatoes
  • Beans
  • Nuts
  • Tofu
  • Lentils
  • Fish
  • Milk

A diet rich in fruits and vegetables is good for the gallbladder, as it is full of nutrients and fiber. Eating more plant-based proteins as an alternative to red meat positively impacts the gallbladder.

People who are overweight and eat a high-fat, high-cholesterol, and low-fiber diet are at an increased risk of developing gallstones. Refined carbohydrates and sugar increase the incidence of gallstones. It is important to maintain an achievable exercise plan to keep body weight at optimum levels so as to decrease cholesterol levels in the body.

If a person is diagnosed with gallstones and has to undergo surgery, foods that may aggravate the pain should be avoided. Avoiding the following foods will help:

  • Fatty, oily, and fried foods – These foods will activate the gall bladder to release bile, which will worsen the condition.
  • Red meat
  • Foods high in iron
  • Alcohol

Diet after surgery – After the removal of the gallbladder, you will most likely suffer from diarrhea and loose stools in the week after surgery. This happens because bile is continually released into the intestine as it cannot be stored like it was earlier.

To reduce the incidence of these side effects, try to avoid these foods after gallbladder removal surgery:

  • Foods that are oily, fried, or processed
  • Dairy products that are rich in fat content
  • Foods that have more than 3 grams of fat
  • Creamy gravies and spicy curries

Try to eat smaller meals more frequently than large meals. Slowly increase the fiber content in the food intake. Most importantly, remember to eat food with less than 3 grams of fat per serving.

When talking about diet, it is worthwhile to mention some remedies from natural foods, which are said to help get rid of gallstones. These natural products are believed to help by either detoxifying the liver, or stimulate bile production, or help reduce cholesterol levels in the body. Some of the natural remedies are:

  • Apple cider vinegar – It is believed to soften gallstones that are then excreted from the body without pain.
  • Dandelion – A range of dandelion teas and supplements are available for purchase in health stores and online. The bitter roots are believed to stimulate the production of bile.
  • Artichoke – Artichoke extracts are believed to stimulate the production of bile.
  • Gold coin grass – This is a Chinese remedy for preventing cholesterol and may be beneficial for the treatment of gallstones.

These natural remedies have been suggested for ages, but there is no reliable evidence of their effectiveness in eliminating gallstones. They can be tried before going in for other medication or surgery.